The Imposter

The Imposter follows the story of Tebogo ‘Tebza’ Modikoane who struggles to make ends meet and to provide for his daughter in a township called Kliptown, while his long-lost twin brother, Gary Mokoena lives a luxurious life, with manicured lawns, expensive cars and extreme wealth. A rollercoaster of events that neither Tebza nor Gary could anticipate takes shape as one is faced with living in poverty while the other won the trust fund lottery. The second season boasts the acting prowess of Mpho Osei Tutu as Tebogo ‘Tebza’ Modikoane/ Gary Mokoena, Didie Makobane as Mmabotse, Mmabatho Mogomotsi as Candy, Gail Mabalane as Kelebogile, Joyce Skefu as Valeta, Seputla Sebogodi as Dali, Tiisetso Thoka as Paballo, Nonhle Thema as Evodia, Sonia Mbele as Big Daddy, Kabelo Thai as Turbo to name a few.

Can a man with no opportunity and little recourses get away with impersonating his millionaire twin by pretending to be him and assuming his identity. When he realizes the grass is not greener, and that he is in danger – will he be able to save himself?

In essence the story is a social experiment. What if two identical boys, carried in the same womb for 9 months, born only minutes apart where raised in two contrasting situations. How would they turn out? Nature versus nurture. One twin grows up on the brink of poverty, with a neglectful alcoholic mother. He drops out of school at 16 and must hustle for everything he has. He impregnates a local girl and has to now raise his daughter on nothing but money from washing cars.  The other twin is loved, nurtured and given every opportunity that the world can offer. He has a supporting family and a dedicated, present mother. He wants for nothing and grows up to be the epitome of success – head boy of his school, an excellent student and ultimately an industry leader and millionaire in his 30s.

The Imposter poses the question – is evil doing, greed, success and empathy learned or is it something one is born with? As adults do the choices we make reflect on our upbringing or are our choices a reflection of who we chose to be. In the series we explore this notion and see it play out with the characters of Gary and Tebza.  Two people who are biologically as close as humans can be, but ultimately the life and paths chosen for them by fate take them on separate roads. Who and what do they ultimately become?

Seriti Films, Office No. 4,
1st Floor Dispatch Building,
The Media Mill,
7 Quince Street,
Mil Park, 2092